
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Carmen's coming over! Yay!

I just remembered I still had pics to post back from here when I went to Space with Alex, Pinky, Carmen, John and Peter.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Pinky is so pretty that when she was walking downstairs at Hungry Jacks, a few gazillion guys turned their heads to look.
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Carmen Lee fun facts!!
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting As you probably can see.. John and Carmen are the wackiest posers!

Alrite, I'd better stop being super happy when talking about Carmen now b4 this site turns into an 'I LOVE CARMEN' site and me starting to sound like a les..

hmmm.. Come to think of it, I'm ALWAYS happy when Carmen comes over.
Is she my subconscious boyfriend substitute here?
Can it be..?
but.. can it..
then why..

Haha.. just playin with ya!
I'm straight!
As straight as a winding crookedy road can be! Er.. I mean..

*looks at ceiling*

F1's on tonight. But I think it'd be overshadowed by the World Cup matches. I'll still watch it anyway, even if no one wants to watch it with me!

I can't believe I overslept and missed the FIREWORKS DISPLAY at Darling Harbour! Urghhhh!!!!


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