
Sunday, January 21, 2007


LIVERPOOL won! Wooohooo!! Well, I really couldnt care less about football if not for the fact that I took on liverpool in a small bet which won me the grand prize of....

*drum roll*


Finally, bull lost to cow! Hardly ever happens, but there's always a first! :P Let me just bask in my win for a day!

Hehe.. today, the same bet, with me taking Arsenal.. so I suppose I should be watching the game with Eng Soon somewhere so at least we have some 'kaki's to cheer with! :P


Well, after what Tina wrote about me timing my meds so I can have beer at night.. I actually didn't drink!

After my meds, I found out that I really didn't need to! I had a light head on my shoulders.. almost 'float-like'.. Plus, it helps me sleep at night tooooo!!!

Flu meds are the new beer, babeh!!!

Hmmm, wait, does that make me a potential-alcoholic-turned-potential-druggie??



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