
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Vote 1o9459 - Shuen

Yes, it's election time! And my short, usually 1 min journey through Wentworth to get to microbiology lab took much lnger than that today. It was like a fuckin warzone!

I got ppl coming up to me left, right and CENTER!
Each from different parties, stuffing their different coloured fliers into my hands..
telling me why I should vote for so and so..

I had to push my way through..
And when I came out, I was gasping for air..
It was as though I'd just crawled out of the thick dust and smoke in some war in the desert.. you know, like how it always is in the movies..

But come to think of it, they'd made really good bodyguards.. all surrounding me, walking with me, giving me no space to move at all..

Hey, maybe that's how celebrities feel with paparazzis.. :D .. hey! I got to experiece like 10 seconds of being a celebrity today! How cool is that?!?!

Hehe.. yes, that's me mind wandering off somewhere in the skies..


Happiness is elusive

If there's one thing I can wish for, I'd wish that everyone's happy and will never have to feel sadness or dejection.. EVER!

It just makes me sad to know that other ppl are sad/upset. I'd wanna do anything and everything I can to make them happy again. Even if it means that I have to go through shit. I don't care. Even more so when those ppl are ppl close to my heart.

I just want everyone to be problem-free.


I feel so helpless...


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is impossible for everyone to feel happy..this is why theres so much hate around...coz its so easy to feel for others....but shuen..never ever sacrifice your happiness for someone elses..coz u deserve to be happy...remember that your happiness means a lot to others to..not just yourself..but the people that feel for you..always remember that your smile puts a smile on someone elses face too..you know who he is...so keep smiling..


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