
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Suck, Baby..Suck!

Took the flight back yesterday..

This marks the end of happy wacky girl friends to hang out,CLUB and be ditzy with.


Shall look forward to Mardi Gras on Saturday!! Wooohooooo...!!!

OH, and I'm looking for fun, crazy, wacky girls to party with in Sydney. Especially for this Friday @ Gas and Saturday @ *forgot name of the place*. Please leave me a tag! ;)..Thanks!!!

Random pics from Melb..

Sucking on a lollipop..

Sing, Sai Meng, Ivan, Darren, Eng Soon, Anthea, Tina and I were at St Kilda's on Sunday. As we were walking on the beautiful pier, they started talking about strange things.. like..

-The PINKIFIER, a cream that makes your nipples PINK! Info contributed by Sing, if my memory serves me right.

-A 'Samuel and Kevin' t-shirt that Sai Meng was wearing. I told him it was so gay. Christened him and Sing 'Samuel and Kevin'!! Coz they seem to do EVERYTHING together! Even take photos together! Hehhehe..

-'Candy Shop' by 50 Cent. I told them I didn't know it was a sexual reference. They very well went on to pollute my mind. Sighz...see, I'm so innocent, but coz of friends like these..

And so..'sucking on a lollipop' now means something to me..

Behold..pictures of SUCKING ON A LOLLIPOP!!!

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Journey to AVALON airport

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Sometimes it looks like this..

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That went on for 1 hour!! Can you believe it??!!

On the Plane

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The last beautiful sight I saw before my eyes refused to keep open...

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