
Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Was just watching this police show where this dog was the hero.
He was trained to bite on bad guys' forearms and never let go.
On this special case, he performed brilliantly..
and was given a medal of honour.

I wonder if the medal would mean anything to that courageous dog, or whether it even understands the significance of it. What's the point of rewarding a living being with something of no significance to them? Yeah? Thnk about it..

And on ANOTHER totally different note.

Emotionally cheating on someone is just as bad as the physical part.

Pretty random, but yea...


Loves it!

Colours excite me.
They liven me up from a dull dreary state.
They feed me energy.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Somehow couldn't find a pic of Krys+YY on our CNY celebration. Sorry yea!

What's your problem??

The weather's playing up on me.

Super hot during when I head out, and raining when I'm on the way home.

My umbrella's been a trusted friend these days!

Gonna get my first pay! After a $50 deduction for t-shirt deposit, I get a total of $118.80 for 9 hrs' worth of work. Would've been $168.80 if it werent for the shirt. But oh well. I'm not complaining! I'm so proud to finally be earning my own money! And while having fun on the job too!

Go SHUEN! You rock, girl!! :)

OK, so, maybe self praise is no praise. But who gives a damn, really?

I feel like playing with some pics..

Will be back! With some pics! (hopefully!)


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